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What makes someone vulnerable enough to fall victim to a cult and how deep into it do you have to be to commit heinous and deadly acts in the cult’s name? The scripted true crime series based on Jonas Bonnier’s novel, The Congregation explores the real-life Christian cult in Knutby Sweden where a young woman falls into the grip of a cult in the rural town.

Springboarding off of the HBO documentary, Pray, Obey, Kill, The Congregation dives even deeper as it explores what draws someone into a cult, and how hard it is for them to leave even once they’ve seen the darker side of the group.

‘The Congregation’ opens with an introduction to the Knutby cult

In a sneak peek clip shared with Showbiz Cheat Sheet, twentysomething woman Anna tries to convince her roommate Cilla that a fresh start in Knutby could be the right place for her. But Cilla has an opposite feeling about Knutby and tries to convince Anna that she should proceed with caution.

Prosecutor Elin Blank talks to reporters about the Knutby church murder case
Elin Blank |PONTUS LUNDAHL/AFP via Getty Images

Anna ponders life in Knutby while riding the bus back home. While making dinner with Cilla, Anna reveals that through pure “luck,” there is an open flat in Knutby. Looking unconvinced that moving to Knutby is a good idea, Cilla is receptive to listening to Anna, but not necessarily on board with moving to Knutby.

“I thought I’d liquidate some funds and pay the deposit with the inheritance from Mum,” Anna says. Cilla looks at her in disbelief that Anna would consider moving to Knutby.

Anna makes a fateful decision about Knutby

But Anna thinks a move to the rural town would be “great.” Cilla thought Anna was joking, but Anna has already fallen for Knutby and the people. “I’ll come and visit,” Anna tells Cilla. “And you’re welcome at ours whenever you like.”

The word, “ours” stuns Cilla, leaving her to wonder what Anna is getting herself into. Unable to deter Anna from moving, she ultimately moves to Knutby and is enchanted by the warmth of community in the small Pentecostal church. But something darker lurks behind the sunny facade.

What is the real story behind the Knutby cult?

Based on the Knutby cult in the early 2000s, two members Alexandra Fossmo and Daniel Linde were found shot in their homes on January 10, 2004. Daniel survived but Alexandra died. Sara Svensson later confessed to the shootings and insisted she was instructed to kill them via text messages from God.


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Sara had been ex-communicated for previously attacking Alexandra with a hammer. So why did Sara return with a gun? Sara was Alexandra and Helge Fossmo’s former nanny – but she was also Helge’s mistress. Prior to attacking Alexandra with a hammer, Sara had been sleeping with Helge. Knutby leader Åsa Waldau had also partnered Sara with Helge for a “spiritual mission.”

While ex-communicated, Sara began receiving forwarded text messages from Helge that she believed were from God. The messages instructed her to commit the crimes if she wanted to return to Åsa’s good graces.

Another layer of the crime was that Helge was having an affair with shooting victim Daniel Linde’s wife Anette.

Watch how the twisted web of deception, lies, and murder unravels.

The Congregation premieres in the U.S. on Viaplay on Thursday, May 11, 2023.